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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Configuring Beyond Compare for Excel files

The simple way to compare MS Excel (xls) and even MS Excel 2007 (xlsx) files using Beyond Compare 2.

First of all, you need installation of MS Excel and Beyond Compare. This tip is prepared and tested with BC version 2.4
The comparison of excel files is possible due to additional viewer rules. The catalog of such rules could be found at the official home site of Beyond Compare (http://www.scootersoftware.com/) >> Download >> Miscellaneous Downloads >> Additional Rules definitions (for BC 2.1 and later) or just use the following direct link http://www.scootersoftware.com/download.php?c=kb_morerules. The page has many different rules definitions and you may find interest in other rules posted there.
Download the next rule definition. From its description you can guess the way it’s working. For more details you can see the readme file inside the downloaded zip.
MS Excel, 14-Sep-2006 v1.0.3, Download 2kb

Installation instructions:
1) Extract all files in MSExcel.zip into: C:\Program Files\Beyond Compare 2
TIP: If you want to be able comparing Excel 2007 files (*.xlsx) you need to modify the original rule definition by adding new extension for the same handling:
a) Make a copy of C:\Program Files\Beyond Compare 2\MSExcel\MSExcel.xml file and name it MSExcel2007.xml
b) Open the file MSExcel2007.xml with any text editor and modify the next line to include *.xlsx string
The line before the change includes: "*.xls"
The line after the change should include: "*.xls;*.xlsx"
2) Run Beyond Compare and from the "Tools" menu select "Import Settings...".

3) In "Select import file", enter the name of the rules file:
C:\Program Files\Beyond Compare 2\MSExcel\MSExcel.xml (or, if you prepared, MSExel2007.xml)
Click "Next". In the "Pick rules to import" list, "MS Excel" and "MS Excel Formulas" should be checked. Click "Next" again, then click "Finish" to import the rules.

1) Whenever you load a pair of XLS files in the file viewer Beyond Compare will now display a comparison of the text.

2) To compare formulas in cells, select ToolsPick RulesMS Excel Formulas.

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