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Thursday, May 1, 2008

My Nokia N95 Installation List

After several months of tries and failures I reached more or less solid installation list for my shiny N95. I’m a big fun of this model, really! Though, I wish it would be easier with the installations… After flashing to the latest firmware ( and now, once again, after few days in the repair service I have to go over and reinstall all these tools that I’ve got used to. Well, at least this is good opportunity for getting the most updated versions.

Online & Web
Other, still evaluated applications and tools:


Anonymous said...

I wish not acquiesce in on it. I over polite post. Especially the appellation attracted me to study the intact story.

Gleb Gotgelf [Gleoba] said...

What story you after?
BTW, the list here is so outdated! Most of the applications are not on my N95 anymore. It's probably because I have less time to play with it. The "Large Time Screensaver" is still there - very recommended. All others are now built-in (geotagging, accelerometer) or have better alternatives (GPS -> Waze).

Anonymous said...

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